Where i am staying


Hi friends, now i will tell you about where i live in.

I live in country named Indonesia. Have you ever hear this country's name?
Or you know the greatest beach 'Bali'? Yes, Bali is in indonesia.
But i dont live in bali. I live in Borneo Island, exactly in a little city which is usually called 1000 river city, that is Banjarmasin.

You can see many rivers in my city.
Banjarmasin has swamp ground, then you can found many houses build above the water.
Many strangers said Banjarmasin is very hot and it is not wrong because Banjarmasin located near of sequator line.
Okay, I will show you where my home is.

Look at there. Some houses stands on the water or exactly on the river.
My home placed at the end of this little bridge.

The view of front of my house, we can see green scenery. There is a coconut tree beside the house.
Also there are banana trees and fruit trees at my home's park.

(i am staying in this house)

So what do you think about the place where i live? It is strange? very different with other cities but that is an unique thing which make my city is different from other city.

3 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

oke kawan2 kita sudah menemukan tempat yg cocok untuk kopdar eps. 4 tinggal ikuti petunjuk tsb. LoL

Anonim mengatakan...

Itu si berto org bule ye?
Bagi dong jambu nya, merah bgt lagi *ngiler*

Bani Biasa mengatakan...

Wah, enak tuh, bisa makan jambu sampe puas. Kirim ke Bogor, atuh.